The ARR Horizonte Carbon Project is located at the Cerrado Biome, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. It is an AFOLU project, and therefore is classified within scope 14. More specifically, the project falls under the ARR category.
The ARR Horizonte Carbon Project’s purpose is to remove and reduce GHG emissions through an increase in forestry area in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, at the Cerrado biome, initially near the cities of Três Lagoas, Brasilândia, Santa Rita do Pardo, Selviria, Bataguassu, Água Clara and Aparecida do Taboado. The carbon credits are a result of the change of land use in previous pasture areas, through the plantation of Eucalyptus species in an area of 14,427.66 ha, as well as a result of the recovery of pasture and degraded areas with exposed soil, through the plantation of native vegetation most adequate for each case in an area of 999.10ha, both classified under the ARR category.
This activity is of great importance for the region under the light of deforestation events and rates for cattle ranching activities, which constitutes the baseline of the project. The state of Mato Grosso do Sul has the highest deforestation rates under the Cerrado biome, which has been the second most impacted biome by deforestation in the country, with 33,5% of the deforested areas.
In addition, the credit’s revenue will allow for an additional restoration of native vegetation on Legal Reserves (RL – Reservas legais, in Portuguese) and Permanent Protection Areas (APP – área de preservação permanente, in Portuguese). Under the social sphere, the project also brings benefits for the region, with the implementation of additional social activities (programs named Inclusive Recycling and the Nursery for Native and Ornamental Seedlings), beyond those already implemented by Suzano where it operates, which will be implemented due to the credit’s revenue. In addition to the socioeconomic benefits, both projects linked to the social scope will bring environmental awareness to the target population about climate change and mitigation actions.
The project started on 02-11-2017 with soil preparation activities. This is the start date of the project, which will have a renewable crediting period of 35 years, from 02-11-2017 to 01-11-2052.