“Chaco Vivo” is the largest REDD+ project in Paraguay covering over 187,000 hectares of contiguous forest in the “Gran Chaco”, the second largest ecoregion in South America.
Despite Gran Chaco’s regional and global significance, the region is one of the most deforested on earth, losing over 1,000 hectares of tree cover per day. Project Chaco Vivo will mitigate deforestation pressures in the region and protect this important yet critically threatened ecosystem, which provides habitats to thousands of plants and species - including numerous endemic and IUCN red list species.
Chaco Vivo is a People Project at heart with numerous communities living within the Project's AOI, including Indigenous communities of the Maskoi. Key to Chaco Vivo is a robust social program called the L.I.F.E. Program, which provides a tangible system of socio-economic enrichment programs to improve the livelihoods of marginalized populations.
The project aims to deliver net emission reductions of over 30 million tons CO2e over the initial 10-year project period.
High-integrity carbon credits are those that are robustly and conservatively quantified. We not only visualize projected emissions impact but also assess and validate the carbon stocks of projects throughout their lifetime. Our integrity check leverages reference site analyses to provide robust quantification and assurance that each credit issuance represents at least one metric ton of carbon.
Carbon projects are additional if they would not have occurred in the absence of carbon credit generation. On the flip side, projects are not additional if the carbon avoidance or removal would have occurred in the status-quo ‘business as usual’ scenario. We test the additionality resilience of projects by using geospatial analyses and remote sensing capabilities to evaluate dynamic baseline scenarios.
Permanence refers to how long the carbon dioxide removed or avoided will be kept out of the atmosphere. Permanence risk is when storage reversal occurs before the planned duration of storage (e.g. 50 years) is up. We monitor the project area for unforeseen disruptions and identify permanence risks by modelling the threat of adverse weather conditions.
The analysis shows the environmental changes in the baseline scenario over the given period and illustrates the projects'needs and efforts. [Data Source: Planet Labs 2016, 2023]
Project Chaco Vivo will aim to create lasting and generational net positive impact to the communities within the Project AOI via implementation of a robust and collaborative social program called the L.I.F.E. Program (Land-use Initiatives & Forest Enterprises Program).
The U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) colored in are claimed by the project developer.
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Privileged to forge a strategic alliance with Paraguayan National Indigenous Institute (NIDI) as part of our unwavering commitment to our 14 indigenous communities #4People&Planet #SaveTheChaco